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While working as a fast food employee in Topeka, Kansas, Sherrard learned that quality was of the utmost importance. “The temptation was always there to look at the dollar signs and get some ingredients cheaper but I was taught that quality is what we had to go after; people would always come for quality food”, stated Sherrard. Quality became the theme for Sherrard’s business as he focused on quality food, quality employees and quality customer service.
Serving in various forms of ministry throughout the years; Sherrard has met people from all walks of life. One way he aspires to help people and impact the community is by offering people a second chance. “I am happy because I am able to give people a second chance, a lot of us mess up in our lives, we make mistakes. This area has been inundated with a lot of young people who are struggling and are looking for answers”, stated Sherrard. In response, he has created an atmosphere where second chances flourish and opportunity thrives, thus producing quality employees. Sherrard’s current management team of 7 years are a product of his vision of seeing the gifts that people possess, nurturing them and allowing them to grow and bloom.
The final and most vital ingredient to Sherrard’s success are his customers. He states that “it’s my customers who have kept me going for 30 years, and to honor them I’ve decided to call this establishment Su Taco Casa—Your Taco House”. The loyalty and faithfulness of customers that visit Sherrard’s restaurant daily, weekly and monthly are unmatched. Both local customers and those traveling from out of state keep coming back because of the overwhelming quality food and experience they receive. Over the years, Sherrard’s restaurant has been a welcoming place for high school reunions, wedding anniversaries and most of all a place where friends and families gather to share a quality meal from the impeccable menu.
Sherrard entrusted his unknown future to a known God over 30 years ago. In doing so, he has seen the faithfulness of God in his life and in his business. At Su Taco Casa he has created an atmosphere that echoes quality and opportunity. Someday, Sherrard hopes to pass the baton to someone else who has some of the same visions and aspirations for the restaurant and the community. Until then, you can still find him at Su Taco Casa where they serve fine food…fast.